Monday, December 18, 2017


Hobbies are things that we enjoy doing.We all have different hobbies just like playing games, listening to music. Here are the examples of different hobbies.

First and foremost, GAMING
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For all we know, Mobile Legends is the most popular game played in our class. Some of them are way to attached with this game that they can't even do their assignment. Best not to play this during really busy times in school. But online gaming can enhance eye coordination which kinda helps in sports.

Next  hobby is listening to music
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Nowadays, K pop are so famous. By listening to their music, you can compose your own lyrics. If your an artist, you can also get motivation (which btw is so hard to get in school times) by listening to this. These songs can also make you calm when you are in rage mode.


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Drawing is a fun hobby to do when you are bored. Even if you make something bad, it's still a drawing that you enjoyed making.


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Parkour is a hobby that boys love especially Mingo and Christian. It can also be dangerous and risky but it's totally worth it.

These are some of the hobbies we know that you might enjoy. well there are some hobbies that we didn't add because they sound dumb and realistic. So that's all we have now. Bye~

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